Free Web Hosting

Today I will give a tutorial on how to host a website for free. As you all know free website hosting services are not as efficient as the paid one like that of my pal Madhur Chauhan. And my website itself.
So guyz dont remain in a impression that free web hosting is a very good method to make your website. But yes it is an alternative method that is free .Als an improtant note that your site address will not be with .com

So my Dear readers lets start with the tutorial. I will make a free website and host it through

  1. Things that you will need :-

    • Internet connection ( that is obvious :D )
    • An Email - ID.
    • And some time to read and apply this tutorial.
  2. Firstly open a new tab in your browser.
  3. Enter the web address A page given beside will open.
  4. Then click on sign up option.
    • Select Free Hosting plan in the Hosting Plan Option
    • Leave Choose the domian name option empty
    • Click Continue.
    • Fill the New client Tab with real and non- Fake information.
    • Click on the circle that is open and then continue button appears. Click it.
  5. Copy the Client Id in an safe place for say notepad.
    • Click on "Click here to login into your account.
  6. Open up your E-Mail Id and check your Inbox for the verification code E- Mail.
  7. Click the link.Then Enter your client id or Email address and password.
  8. Now Click on Domain Name Manager.A new Window will open and then select "Create a free sub domain name".
  9. Enter your website name and click " Create".
Now your Free website is made. Just you have to go to the website and follow the onscreen instructions to edit the website and write posts and information of your brand new website. For any queries and information comment below without hesitation.

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